Polk County Board of Commissioner Feb. 4 agenda
Published 3:53 pm Thursday, January 31, 2019
Editor’s Note: following is the agenda for the Polk County Board of Commissioner’s meeting on Monday, Feb. 4. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, located on the second floor of the Womack building in Columbus.
1. Call to Order of the Public Hearing on the Proposed Scenic Byway – Chairman Melton. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment on the proposed, potential scenic byway route beginning at the corner of Skyuka Rd. and NC Hwy 108, near the Pacolet Baptist Church, turn right before the Pacolet River Bridge onto Old Howard Gap Rd., left onto Howard Gap Rd., loop back onto NC Hwy 108/Lynn Rd., right onto Erskine Rd., tie into NC Hwy 176, possibly looping back via Harmon Field Rd., then onto Lynn Rd./NC Hwy 108, cross Pacolet Bridge, returning to Pacolet Baptist Church.. The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin. The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #16 (pages 2-44). Dorothy Easley, Scenic Byway Sub-Committee Chair will present the information.
2. Citizen Comments
3. Commissioner Comments
4. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn the public hearing.
5. Call to Order of the Public Hearing on the Proposed Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance – Chairman Melton. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment on the Polk County Zoning Ordinance text amendment to 1) Increase Board of Adjustment Alternate Members from three to five. 2) Update definition of Building Height to remove structure from definition. The public hearing was properly advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin. The information is included in the agenda packet under Agenda Item #18 (pages 58-61). Cathy Ruth Planner will present the information.
6. Citizen Comments
7. Commissioner Comments
8. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn the public hearing.
9. Call to Order of the Regular Meeting – Chairman Melton.
10. Invocation – Chairman Melton.
11. Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Johnson.
12. Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.
13. Consent Agenda
A) Tax Department January 2019 refund request – $328.00.
Motion to approve the consent agenda.
14. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items
15. Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items
16. Scenic Byway Discussion – Kyle Cooper, NCDOT Scenic Byway Coordinator will be present to answer questions. Motion to approve the County Manager to retain the low bidding consultant, contingent upon donations exceeding the amount of the contract for phase 1 of the scenic byway plan.
17. Isothermal Rural Planning Organization (RPO) Region-Wide Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) – Karyl Fuller, RPO Director Isothermal Planning & Development Commission (IPDC) will present the information on updating Polk County’s current plan adopted in 2008. Motion to approve Polk County’s participation in the plan update.
18. An Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance – To consider approval of the amendment subsequent to the public hearing. Cathy Ruth, Planner will be present. Motion to approve.
19. Occupancy Tax Modification Resolution – Attorney Berg will present the Resolution of Polk County, the City of Saluda, and the Town of Tryon seeking an act to modify their occupancy tax. Motion to Approve.
20. Volunteer Board Applicants for Vote – Board of Adjustment, 1 applicant, 1 vacancy (if board approves the Zoning Ordinance text amendment to allow 5 alternates for the BOA, then there will be 3 applicants and 3 vacancies and the review of the two new applicants will be waived due to the urgency for membership before the next BOA hearing on February 5, 2019) Board of Equalization & Review, 5 applicants, 5 vacancies; Isothermal Planning & Development Commission (IPDC), 1 applicant, 1 position; Library Board of Trustees, 1 applicant, 1 vacancy; Planning Board, 5 applicants, 4 vacancies.
21. Volunteer Board Applicants for Review – Agricultural Advisory Board 3 applicants, 3 vacancies; Appearance Commission 1 applicant, 1 vacancy; Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee (FRAC) 1 applicant, 2 vacancies. Motion to approve.
22.Commissioner Comments
23. Closed Session – Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of property acquisition and attorney client privilege.
24. Return to Open Session- Motion to return to open session.
25. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.
– Submitted article