Saluda News & Notations: A seat for each and every one of us

Published 8:00 am Friday, January 18, 2019

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

~ Maya Angelou

The thing I love most about our small town of Saluda is the sense of community, how Good Folks look out for one another along the rocky path of life.

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There’s an invisible grapevine connecting us all — word passes in a ripple effect, when someone’s in need, whether it’s a death, illness, an emergency or hard times knockin’. I’ve been the recipient of such caring over the years, as have many; we lift each other up along the way.

Somehow, I visualize a long farm table, where there’s a place for each and every one of us: some preferring to sit in the midst of things, some choosing a seat toward the back. It doesn’t matter — candlelight creates a rosy glow on every face, a warmth in every heart. Sitting at the table of love, a heartbeat of “thank you, thank you.”

Speaking of tables, I’ve got to tell you, Dear Reader, that last week’s Brunswick stew column seemed to strike a chord. Bulletin reader and fellow Saludian Margaret Sease sent of her favorite longtime Brunswick stew recipes from Georgia, all pretty close to what I remember. In fact, they sounded so tasty, I suggested that we “cook up” a Brunswick stew competition and offer to be the judges (that way we get to taste a variety!).

Margaret also brought up a few things I’d forgotten to mention, but so important to Brunswick stew: slices of soft white bread, canned tomatoes, corn, potatoes.

I still don’t know what the secret ingredient might be for the stew I remember, but it could be a very large hog’s head (I am NOT bringing a hog’s head into my house, no-sir-ee). Besides, I don’t even have a pot that would begin to hold that bad boy.

Truth be told, there might be some staring contests between River Dog and the Bad Boy in the pot. Can you imagine what River would say about that big head coming in HIS back door! 

• There’s still time to honor a loved one with an engraved brick paver for Pace Park. Proceeds go toward building public restrooms at this community park to be located downtown near M.A. Pace Store; for additional information, contact Catherine Ross at 828-749-3534 or

• Saluda Community Land Trust would benefit from your donations for this New Year or your time as a volunteer for their many community projects. Contact SCLT at 828-749-1560 or visit

• Community potluck and bingo night at Saluda Center at 6 p.m. Jan. 28. Bring a dish to share; all welcome!

• Artists take note — Saluda Business Association is accepting applications for the 16th annual Saluda Arts Festival on May 18. Showcasing fine art and craft from local and regional artists, the festival has become one of Saluda’s favorite events. Entry deadline is March 15, or download an application at (link to the arts festival page).

• Saluda Living in Place offers a veterans’ breakfast at 9 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month at the fire station.

• Saluda Get-Well goes to Doris Marion, Joni Rauschenbach and Cissy Thompson.

• Happy January Birthday to Nora Parks Anderson, Brandy Bradley, Alex Bardos, Carolyn Ashburn, Scott Kinard, Donna Bond, Greer Eargle, Wyatt Alan Pace, Irma Anderson, Paul Aaybe, Phyllis Arrington, Kenneth Justus, Cheryl Harbin, Avery Lena Mintz, Connie Scicluna, Ann Dudley and Charles Conner. Please add your name to the list; no ages mentioned unless you’re under 2 or over 100!

Thank you for reading this column; as ever, the goal is to make you feel like you’re enjoying small town life in a friendly mountain town called Saluda. Feel free to contact me at, 828-749-1153 or visit