Correcting the record

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, June 13, 2018

This letter is in response to series of letters published in last Wednesday’s Bulletin.

I have never lived in Minnesota; most of my life has been spent south of the Mason-Dixon line, except for 26 years in Lake County (a fact easily ascertained).

I briefly mentioned that I rode a bike to and from work in the spring and autumn, and got rid of it when moving down here. I said I would like to see a network of bike trails — not that I would ride them.

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As to the desirability of tinkering with the size of 108, I expressed no position. While I believe in the greatest good for the greatest number, no one to my knowledge has offered definitive proof that widening 108 would do a sizable amount of good for the approximately 19,000 residents of Polk County. 

If there have been reliable environmental studies, and economic studies forecasting 20 years or so in the future, I am unaware of them, but would like to peruse them. 

On the other hand, no one of whom I am aware has offered any kind of scientific evidence that keeping 108 the same would result in increased quality of life for the few hundred people who currently reside along the highway — or the several thousand residents of Polk County.

Bill Holcomb, Tryon