A win-win for Highway 108

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I’m writing in regards to the expansion of Highway 108 between Columbus and Tryon.

My husband and I moved here in 2011 from the Iron Range of Northern Minnesota. We love everything about the area (the people, the scenery, and the weather), but the one thing we have found lacking are paved bike lanes.

Where we lived in Minnesota, there were bike lanes that extended hundreds of miles between many small towns. My husband and several neighbors would commute to work by bike.

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In addition, many local people and tourists would use the trails for recreational riding with family and friends.

We’ve noticed many cyclists riding on the sides of the roads (with no shoulders), including 108. This seems dangerous for both the bikers and the vehicles trying to pass them. Cyclists do have the right of way, but it can slow down the flow of traffic.

We welcome bike lanes along Highway 108, but if that gets voted down, the abandoned railroad tracks between Saluda and Landrum would offer an excellent alternative. We’ve taken family trips to small towns that have converted their “rails to trails,” and have had positive experiences (while adding to the local economy).

In my experience, cyclists are out there for exercise, enjoyment, or commuting — they’re not out to make trouble or loiter. Bicycles are also quieter than cars for commuting and would cut down on road traffic air pollution.

With more people moving here, bicycle traffic will only increase. Accommodating them would benefit anyone using Polk County roads.

Victoria Leibfried, Tryon