RIP, Alfie Evans
Published 8:00 am Saturday, May 19, 2018
I have seen socialism’s future, and its name is Alfie Evans.
Short of his second birthday, Alfie Evans succumbed to brain injuries that were due to a seizure disorder, passing away on April 28.
Supported by English court decisions, Alfie’s doctors had removed his life support and refused requests from his parents to allow them to seek treatment elsewhere. The Vatican hospital had offered to treat him and the Italian government had granted him citizenship to facilitate this charity.
These decisions increased immeasurably the anguish of Kate and Tom Evans, Alfie’s parents, by refusing to allow them to attempt to save their son. The socialist system blocked all attempts to prolong Alfie’s life.
Once the determination had been made that Alfie was beyond hope, no more resources would be expended on him. Parental rights in England are now shown to be nonexistent.
The power of the state is paramount, humanitarian concerns irrelevant.
The English people have paid the price for “universal” healthcare: their freedom. Conservatives were excoriated for talking about “death panels” in “Obamacare” here in the United States. The Alfie Evans case is an illustration of the rationing of care that inevitably occurs in a socialized medicine system.
This rationing cannot be avoided, whether the determining body is called a “death panel” or not.
The English people have not just lost their freedom of action or their parental rights. They have lost the right of free speech: “hate speech” violations are punishable by up to seven years in prison. It is an incredible state of affairs for the country from which, ironically, America inherited a legacy of personal freedom.
These problems in England need to be understood and taken to heart: an object lesson on the importance of the founders’ legacy to us, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Eugene Comiskey, Tryon