Wanted for Tryon’s Eastside: Ideas, money, volunteers and follow through

Published 3:40 pm Monday, December 4, 2017

It was with a feeling of déjà vu that I saw the front page picture, the headline and the excellent article, “Tryon’s Eastside Blight Rears Head Again at Council Meeting” (Tryon Daily Bulletin December 1, 2017). 

When we moved to Columbus in June 2002, Warren Carson was a Tryon Commissioner and there were similar articles and pictures on the front page of the TDB. Taking a ride through the Eastside of Tryon, we thought the topography very pretty, we liked the churches and many of the cottages. Except for the blighted houses, the Eastside has real charm. Whenever I drive through the Eastside of Tryon, I have the same recurring thoughts and wonder why nothing has been done. It is particularly poignant as more and more care is given to Downtown Tryon.

Perhaps Dr. Carson is correct in saying that there are creative ways to address some of the seriously dilapidated properties that have existed since at least the 90s, such as putting some teeth in town ordinances. 

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It would seem that Habitat for Humanity would be more interested in coming in to help once the blight is cleared. If there is a $15,000 budget for dilapidated housing, perhaps TDDA, with its laudable and successful endeavors could work with the Town of Tryon to spur greater endeavor in addressing the issue. The Eastside is Tryon as well. 

There is no dearth of committed volunteers in our community.  It’s a big project. It will take Tryon Town money and a big, cooperative idea and follow-through to do what should be done to make all of Tryon a town of which to be proud. 

Patricia Gass, Columbus, N.C.