Saluda News & Notations: Everyday we get is gravy

Published 3:15 pm Thursday, November 30, 2017

“Every day IS gravy.”

~ River Dog

“Joe gave me some more gravy.”

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~ Charles Dickens

December? December’s here already—where did November go? The Japanese maple out front held on to her leaves as long as possible—refusing to believe winter is knocking. Now those bright leaves drift down and float upon the fish pond. River Dog basks in his patch of sunshine nearby as I skim the water surface, rake leaves and putter around the yard: Pikachu lurks close to River—enjoying being a part of it all, although cats never admit to such a thing.

One more day: skimming leaves, raking sun-warmed pine needles—astringent scent pleasantly filtering up from the earth, Jenny Wren’s plaintive clear song rising high and sweet. River reminds me that every day is gravy.  Diagnosed recently with acute kidney disease, he lets me fill up on kisses off those soft little bear ears even more than ever, leaning that soft snout against my legs hoping for a love-in. He’s not worried about yesterday or tomorrow: just lives in right now…and in that dog wisdom, he’s trying to tell me to take what is right here in front of me. To find the gravy in the moment. His meals are home-cooked: created for the ‘patient’; his dog bed is tucked close to the gas stove and Christmas tree. Yes—I put it up early this year so we could enjoy it longer. Me, the known Scrooge, caved in a heartbeat. At night, I turn the electric blankie on for River  early in case he wants to turn in early.

River does indeed remind me of something we all need reminding of. Every day we get is gravy.

Saluda Welcome Table is each Tuesday at Saluda Methodist Church from 5:30-6:45 p.m. Free and open to all; donations appreciated.

Join Saluda Community Land Trust friends and family December 2 at Twin Lakes, 11-3 to make a boxwood wreath. This is paid for with a grant from Polk County Community Foundation which covers materials and snacks. If raining or under 45 degrees, the event will be at the Saluda Presbyterian Church fellowship hall. Contact SCLT at 828-749-1560 or visit 

Saluda Historic Depot, 32 West Main Street is open Monday- Saturday 10-5 p.m., Sunday 12-4;

Saluda Police Department/City Hall need unwrapped toys and donations to provide Saluda children-in-need with Christmas. To ‘adopt’ a child or two, stop by City Hall or call Jessica Desiano at 828-749-2581. Donations need to be in by December 18.

The annual Saluda Hometown Christmas (sponsored by Saluda Business Association) is December 8, 6-8 p.m. An ecumenical service will be at Saluda Presbyterian Church on Carolina Street at 8:15 p.m.

The Children’s Workshop is December 9 from 9:30-1 at Saluda Fire Department; free for kids five and up. If you’d like to be a helper, call Laura Fields at 828-749-4521.

The annual Saluda Center Gala will be December 9, 6:30-9 p.m.

Saluda Social Singles (all singles over 40) will have a potluck gathering at Saluda Center, 5 p.m. December 14. For more information, contact Anita Moore at 749-3335.

Happy December birthday to Judy Ward, Holly Wilkes, Theresa Wilkes, Perry Ellwood, Donnie Hunter, Jeff Bradley, Preston Mintz, Carolyn Morgan, Susan Casey, Jeff Jenkins, Nikki Ammerman, Cas Haskell, Mary O. Ratcliffe, Laura Fields, Lord Blanton,  Beth Brand, Jim Carson, and Tom DeKay. Please add your birthday to the list, no ages mentioned unless you’re under 2 or over 100! Promise.

Thank you, dear readers, for reading this column; you can contact me at; 828-749-1153, or