Faith & Worship: Don’t leave your prize unclaimed!

Published 6:24 pm Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I read a rather intriguing statistic in last week’s news about lotteries across the nation. Did you know that Americans forego some $2 billion in unclaimed lottery prizes each year? Last year, the state of California left $24 million unclaimed; the state of Michigan left $28.5 million unclaimed; and the state of New York left $74 million unclaimed. Just for the record, I do not play the lottery (see Mark 8:36 and Hebrews 13:5), but if I did, I think I would have sense enough to go and claim my prize if I had won! Apparently this happens often in our country. People purchase the winning ticket only to not value the prize that is granted soon thereafter.

Many people view the salvation that has been so graciously given to them by the Lord Jesus Christ in the same way. There’s not a greater prize to be had than having a personal relationship with God. There aren’t enough millions of dollars out there that could equal what God did for you.

The problem is so many leave the gift given to them unclaimed and unaccounted for while others have it and do not appreciate it. It’s definitely worth asking: Are you thankful unto God for your salvation, and how would your life speak to the reality of that thankfulness? What Jesus has done for us is to be praised, and we should be eternally grateful.

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The Bible teaches us that apart from God, we are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1), and we are condemned to death and hell eternally because of our sins (Colossians 2:13 and Romans 6:23). Yet God in His love, mercy, and grace sought us out, and chose to give us an opportunity to be forgiven and saved when He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins (Romans 5:8). You and I were literally destined for eternal punishment in hell, but Jesus Christ did everything that was necessary for us to be rescued, and eternal salvation is ours if we would just claim the “prize” by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). What God did for you and the whole world is something that we should be in awe of, and in appreciation of, all of the time. If you know what it’s like to be rescued by God, then you realize how great that is for you. We should be eternally thankful. So thankful that we would want to share that with everyone we come in contact with!

I have a dear friend and sister in the faith…we know her as Ms. Jane. Jane came to faith in Jesus Christ a little over a year ago at a church event we had at Midway. Every time I get to see someone come to faith in Christ, I am deeply moved. I don’t know if there is a better feeling in the world. If you want your joy to be full, tell someone about Jesus and see him or her come to faith in Christ!

When Jane came to faith in Christ, her whole life was changed! She had a newfound freedom, love, and joy that I cannot describe to you in this column’s allotment. She began to serve God with purpose and passion, and to this day, I have never seen a woman so in love with God and the Bible. Her devotion to Christ humbles me, and she makes me want to serve Christ at a deeper level. I have seen her share her love for Jesus with co-workers, fellow church members, our community, and even in other parts of the country.

Why does Ms. Jane spend so much time talking about Jesus? Because she’s thankful. She understands the weight and value of what God has done for her. Do you?

November is the month that has been set aside in this great country to celebrate Thanksgiving. In a couple of weeks you gather together with your family, probably eat more than you have all week in one sitting, watch too much TV, and begin putting up Christmas decorations (if you haven’t already done so). I’m sure there may be a time in your family when you share what you are most thankful for. Among those things and people may be your family, your home, your job, the food you have to eat, and a host of other things. But I do hope and pray that as you give thanks, you will remember and be most thankful for what God did for you.

Paul wrote it best when he said in Galatians 2:20, “The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Be thankful. Don’t let the gift go unclaimed. Believe on Jesus today, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31).

If I can be of any ministry to you, please let me know! To hear Ms. Jane’s testimony, visit

Rev. Peter McDonald, Midway Baptist Church