Special Cases: They aim to serve
Published 10:00 pm Thursday, May 18, 2017
Last week’s tale “Heroes for heroes” is a subject close to my heart: service dogs for vets.
Today I wish to build on that theme speaking of two brothers I have written of in the past, Dax and Forest.
In my last tale about these two I showed them in puppy hood, today you see them full grown and regal in their beauty.
Dax, the brother we mostly spoke of last time, is still on meds and his condition is slowly improving. Tyler, the autistic boy, is ecstatic to have his four-legged brother at his side and God willing, and with our help, he’ll be there for years to come.
Forest, Dax’s three-legged brother, who is shown in the photo below is truly a twin brother to Dax.
Alicia, the young lady who wound up with Forest has been pretty sick lately and Forest is constantly at her side as this week’s title says, “They aim to serve.”
I truly believe that the dog’s greatest joy in life is to please us and serve us no matter the size or the breed. Given a chance, they’ll be there for our needs.
Now, just as humans, they cannot choose the size, breed or color they’ll be born with.
As wonderful as Dax and Forest are, they are merely German Shepherds. It’s not their fault they all can’t be Boxers. Or like with humans, not everyone can be Italian. Then there is my Charma, a super special dog, and Italian Boxer.
Thanks all of you for putting up with my playful mood, when I see my kids being all that they can be, it fills my heart.
Thanks for listening.