Sexual assault awareness and child abuse prevention bulletin boards
Published 3:50 pm Wednesday, April 12, 2017
April is designated nationally as both Sexual Assault Awareness Month and as Child Abuse Prevention Month. To bring attention to these important causes in an age-appropriate manner, Steps to HOPE placed bulletin boards at Polk County High School dealing with sexual assault awareness, right, and at Polk County Middle School dealing with child abuse prevention.
Bulletin boards are placed in each school each month as a community outreach project and to encourage healthy relationships in the lives of students. The goal is to provide a positive message to students (and faculty) and to give contact information for anyone who might need services.
Steps to HOPE is the domestic violence and sexual assault treatment and prevention center located in Columbus serving western North Carolina and the upstate of South Carolina. If you or someone you know is being abused, or if you wish to sponsor programs like this, call 828-894-2340.
– article submitted by Paula Childers