Landrum hears comprehensive plan update from Broadmoor Planning

Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, January 18, 2017

LANDRUM – The City of Landrum heard an update on the comprehensive plan from Broadmoor Planning during their regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 10.


The city has been working on updating their comprehensive plan, a document containing goals and projects for the next decade, since last year. Public input meetings have been held to determine which needs and projects are most desired by Landrum residents.

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Alissa Duncan, head of Broadmoor Planning, talked with the city about finalizing the new plan in the next six months. Duncan said the city expects to adopt the finished document in August.


The document focuses on historical resources, truck traffic, sustainability and explorations for future land use, Duncan said. Members of the Landrum planning commission were in attendance during the regular meeting to listen to Duncan’s presentation in addition to a presentation on Alta Planning and Design’s pedestrian plan by Tee Coker, Alta Planning associate.


Duncan said the theme of key issues Broadmoor identified to date involve pedestrian infrastructure in addition to the importance of trails in the city.


According to Duncan, Broadmoor has also identified key issues such as potential funding sources for transportation projects from the County Transportation Committee and potential funding through the collection of accommodations taxes.


The next steps, according to Duncan, involve meeting with Landrum’s public engagement committee on Jan. 25 and a joint city council and planning commission workshop scheduled for May 3. A draft of the comprehensive plan will be presented at this meeting before changes are made.


On June 8, the revised draft will be presented to the Landrum planning commission to accept by resolution before the draft is presented to the City of Landrum. The city is expected to hold a public hearing and have a first reading of the draft on July 11 before adopting the plan on second reading Aug. 8.