Tryon Little Theater casts the creative net

Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Workshops on set design, production planned for Jan. 14-15

Since 1948, Tryon Little Theater (TLT) has been offering plays and musicals to the community, engaging audiences and participants in the magic of theater. But theater isn’t all singing and dancing and remembering lines—there’s so much more that goes on in the background that audiences never even think about.

In this, their 68th season, TLT wants to “cast the creative net,” so to speak, and enlighten and educate anyone, of any age, who would be interested in learning more about staging a production. Many of the youngsters involved in youth shows have found their niche in a certain discipline, or have had their careers shaped because of what they’ve discovered behind the scenes at TLT: lighting, set design, sound, etc. But this newfound interest or talent is not reserved for youth – anyone of any age can benefit from a new pursuit or a new passion.

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Lindsey Moore, TLT set designer and board member, would like to encourage “current and newly-transplanted individuals to join our energetic and dedicated volunteer group” by offering a free workshop on theater set design on Saturday, Jan. 14 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. TLT will provide lunch and beverages.

“I encourage students and adults interested in the creative arts (acting, art, architecture, painting) to attend,” says Moore. “Some of the areas covered will be set design from preliminary to final build (sketch, floor plans, elevations, color palette, 3-D models); timeline for the progression of building a set; painting techniques and styles for backdrops; furnishing, scenery and props; and workshop safety and good building practices.”

Betty Brewer, former educator and considered the matriarch of TLT, will offer a free production workshop on Sunday, Jan. 15 from 2 to 5 p.m. Brewer, a mainstay of our local theater group has produced more than 40 shows over the years and has the process down to an art form. From organizing publicity, programs, department heads, budgeting, and various volunteer crews, she works very closely with the director – doing whatever it takes to put on a successful show.

“There is no age limit for producing a show,” says Brewer, “and I will show you how to do these things in a scheduled way to make everything run smoothly. If you are interested in just learning about what’s involved to put on a production, or are interested in volunteering in any capacity, I encourage you to come and see what it’s all about. There are always plenty of people to help newcomers feel right at home.”

To register for the set design workshop on Saturday, Jan. 14, or if you have any questions, please contact Lindsey Moore at

To register for the production workshop on Sunday, Jan. 15, or have any questions, please contact Betty Brewer at 

Both workshops are free, and will be held at the Tryon Little Theater Workshop at 516 S. Trade St. in Tryon. You are encouraged to attend one, or both.

– article submitted by Monica Jones