Landrum Police Department September report
Published 10:00 pm Thursday, October 13, 2016
The following report details activities of the Landrum Police Department during the month of September as reported by Landrum Police Chief Tim Edgens.
A total of 27 traffic incidents occurred including: one careless operation, one child restraint violation, one disregard of a stop sign, one driving with no headlights, five DUS, three expired tags, one leaving the scene of an accident with property damage, two no driver’s licenses, one operation uninsured vehicle, four seatbelt violation and seven speeding. Five arrests occurred including three DUS, one for no driver’s license and one for operating an uninsured vehicle.
A total of 20 criminal incidents occurred including: one aggravated assault and battery, one second criminal domestic violence, one disobedience to a police officer, one false information to a police officer, one kidnapping, four malicious damage, two open container, one possession of drug paraphernalia, one possession of methamphetamine and four simple possession of marijuana. A total of nine arrests occurred including one aggravated assault and battery, one second criminal domestic violence, one disobedience to police officer, one false information, one kidnapping, one malicious damage, one possession of drug paraphernalia, one possession of methamphetamine and one simple possession of marijuana.
A total of 14 criminal investigation cases occurred including: four burglary/breaking and entering, one assault and battery, one child abuse, one forgery, one grand larceny, one malicious damage, three petty larceny and two vandalism.
A total of 44 additional department activities occurred including: six accident reports, two funeral escorts and 36 warning citations.
A total of six warrants were served including: two bench warrants and four arrest warrants.