Green River Farm Days brings back the ” good ol ’ days “

Published 11:40 pm Thursday, November 5, 2015

Green River Farm Day originated when a few of our friends gathered to help us prepare our field for the winter cover crop. It started with a handful of plowmen and their horses.

From that we added beans, cornbread, and some other old fashioned farm traditions. Each year the number of activities grows as well as the community’s involvement. We hope that this year’s Green River Farm Day on Nov. 14, will educate and bring the community together so that the next generation will know a little of what it was like in the “good ol’ days.”  The fun starts at 10 a.m.

We want you to enjoy all of the activities that the day has to offer. We would love nothing more than to see everyone get involved and spend the day sharing good times with friends. Take time to watch the demonstrations of horses plowing, butter churning, corn grinding, molasses making and others.

Little girls will enjoy making their very own rag doll. Everyone will have fun watching the children chasing the pig. You will also hear good bluegrass music. We want this to be a day you will always remember. Our goal is to have you come back next year and bring a friend. Remember, this is not our farm day; this is your farm day.

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Thanks for all of your help and support. Green River Farm Day will be held at 2374 Chesnee Rd., Columbus, N.C.


-Submitted by Steve and Brian Price