Independent power
Published 6:54 pm Thursday, January 23, 2014
To the editor:
America, as many of us have known and loved it, is under attack by an administration and Congress that, based on their actions, considers their main mission in life is personal interest.
Our individual rights and freedoms are being mandated or dictated on an almost daily basis, often to suit the wishes of “the Chosen One.”
There’s lots of blame to go around as both political parties are deeply mired in their little sand boxes playing kick the can down the road and worrying about their personal political future.
The Democrats often hold hands while they vote in lock step, like during the Affordable Care Act (now that’s a real oxymoron), and when things aren’t going their way they invoke the “nuclear” option to change the voting rules for their own personal benefit.
The Republicans aren’t much better with leaders in both the Senate and House exhibiting little backbone to fight the “Chosen One” and his little minions on nearly every important issue. And the internal battle between the Rhinos and the Whinos, which was a major factor for the loss in the last election, isn’t going to help things in the future.
I could go on for many pages delineating all the political scandals, cover-ups and shenanigans our politicians are involved in both here and abroad.
I won’t waste your time since you know about all of them unless of course you have your head in the sand like many of those uninformed voters who only know how to vote by pulling the party.
If you’re a lever puller don’t read any further, your part of the problem, not the solution.
The bottom line on what drives Washington can be summed up in one word, power.
So what can be done to stop this political debacle that has already damaged and further threatens our future?
I believe that the future of our country primarily lies in the hands of the Independent Voter. A record number of Americans, 42 percent, now say they identify politically as an Independent, more than the number of those who say they are Democrat or Republican.
Meanwhile, self-identified Republicans fell to 25 percent, the lowest total for the GOP in 25 years, while the Democrats have remained consistent at 31 percent over the past four years since dropping from 36 percent in 2008.
I believe the key to success is to counter party power with independent voter power. Part of this independent power belongs to those in the so-called “Tea Party,” which really isn’t a political party but just plain folks who have had it with party politics.
My guess is they make up a major portion of the independent voters. It’s time for the independent voter to flex their rights and counter Washington party politics power with independent voter power by choosing candidates whose interests coincide with stopping and correcting the damage done in the past 5 years. What say you?
Karl Kachadoorian