Blue Ridge BBQ & Music Festival – Still green and proud of it

Published 4:01 pm Friday, May 31, 2013

Walker has also issued a plea: The festival still needs recycling volunteers to assist the public in the “how to” of placing their items. Recycling volunteers are needed throughout the festival: at the food tents, in Hog Heaven, at the River Stage, at central recycling and early Sunday morning for the final cleanup.

Like all volunteers, recycling volunteers get free admission to the festival, food, free T-shirt, water (of course), many pats on the back and, maybe most of all, the good feeling that comes from knowing they’re helping to save the environment. So be a recycling volunteer. Go to the website and sign up now.

The Blue Ridge Barbecue & Music Festival will be held at Harmon Field in Tryon, on June 14 and June 15. The event includes not only a cooking competition — sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbecue Society — and great music (on two stages); but also a juried craft fair with more than 50 artists and crafters; carnival rides and games for kids of all ages; and, of course, the best barbecue in America. Saturday’s special events include a Classic Car Show; and motorcycle “Hawg” Runs starting in Greenville and Asheville and ending at the Festival. Visit to learn more.

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– article submitted by Brenda Bradshaw