A lesson learned
Published 8:47 am Friday, May 31, 2013
“What’s so funny?” I ask.
“Nothing,” she replies, walking away, shaking her head. This makes me smile – my dear wife knows me better than I know myself.
The next day after work I head up to Dogwood Farms to check on Cosmo, Caruso and Falcon, three big beauties being cared for there. Josh is a valued lifeline who does wonders with these animals.
I next head over to Landrum vet to look in on Tiny, who is now being trained by Kayla Parrish and Leo, one of my heartworm kids who’s being held until room opens up back at F.H.S.
After checking these two I head towards the pit bull Judy brought in earlier. I’m a bit weary and my heart isn’t in it. I’ve a few more stops to make and then I want to head home for a shower and a nap.
Dr. Raines tells me she has hookworm and they believe the rash is an allergy. Both she and Elaine, her staff leader, follow me to her cage. I view this beautiful little girl who is all white with brown patches. She looks up at me with soulful eyes and her tail thumping. I open the cage and sit in with her as Elaine and Donna look on.
“How far do you want us to go with her?” Elaine asks.
“Give her whatever she needs,” I reply, knowing these two ladies will do just that and keep my fees as low as possible.
I pull a leash from my pocket and take her outside for a walk. Except for stopping to relieve herself, she walks glued to my leg. I bring her inside and sit down, intending to give her some love and assurance. She proceeds to lay her head in my lap and looks up at me with all the hope, love and trust she could muster. Immediately all the weariness and doubt wash away from me and the flood gates open as tears fall uncontrollably down my cheeks.
“I get the message, Lord,” I pray. “Who am I to look at anyone of Your beautiful creatures and think it’s just another dog that I may or may not have time for. Where would we be if You treated us in such a manner? Please forgive me, Lord, I have faith that You’ll help me find a way as You always do.”
This sweet girl is approximately one year old and they have named her Trixie, though I prefer Patches. On second thought I believe I know who sent her to me and why – perhaps the name Angel is more appropriate.
Thanks for listening.