Taste ‘Pacolet Amber’ at Beer Fest
Published 3:39 pm Wednesday, October 31, 2012
In Polk County, Adams began to work at Rockhouse Vineyards in Green Creek and quickly became the assistant winemaker for owner Lee Griffin.
“Almost anyone can make wine,” Adams said. “To make very good wine is a different story. Lee is an excellent winemaker, and I think that my scientific background was useful at Rockhouse. Beer making is actually more difficult than winemaking. Because of the plethora of different ingredients and fine tuning of the mash, it takes long experimentation to come up with good beers.”
Soon after returning to his roots, Adams was made assistant brewer at Wedge Brewing Company in Asheville. He now teaches at the University of South Carolina, Spartanburg where he has a three-hour class in beer making. In Asheville, he belongs to a beer club called MALT, Mountain Ale and Lager Tasters.
“It’s popular,” he said with a twinkle.
Adams is about to begin a local beer club called YEAST, Youthful and Elder Ale Sippers of Tryon.
“Interest in home brewing is growing here. We’ll learn and have some fun,” he said. This club will welcome not only home brewers, but also those individuals who appreciate good beer.
He had almost no tips for beer samplers who come to the Tryon Beer Fest.
“Beer sampling is less ceremonial than wine tasting,” Adams said. “Your taste buds are all you need to tell you how much you like a given beer. Then pause for the aftertaste, important to those who like to savor the flavor.”
Adams said there is no need to rinse the palette between samples, but some like to have a sip of water when trying many different brands.
Adams looks for the Tryon Beer Fest to grow in stature over the years and has enjoyed being an advisor to and member of the committee.
“A beer festival is somewhat like a rare car show. You get to be with the finest and best examples of the respective crafts. But when you find a Stutz Bearcat Touring Car that you like, you can’t go out the next day and get a six pack,” Adams said.
For detailed information about the Tryon Beer Fest, visit tryonbeerfest.com. Tickets are now available at Tryon House and La Bouteille Wine and Beer Boutique on Trade Street in Tryon or at Kathleen’s in Saluda. Tryon House also offers Tryon Beer Fest T-Shirts for sale.
Tryon Downtown Development Association (TDDA) launched the idea for this festival.
– article by Dan Trumble