TR&HC Any & All Dog Show, a tail-wagging event
Published 5:40 pm Thursday, October 25, 2012
Best tail wager:
First: Jasper, Kasey Minnick
Second: Sadie Mae, Carol Ten Broek
Third: Rosy, Livvy French
Fourth: Little Bit, Linda Lee Reynolds
Dog who would rather be at home:
First: Rudy, Christine
Second: Navajo, Andrew Hein
Third: Pip, Stephanie Smith
Fourth: Biscuit, Lydia Coe
First: Elle, Betsy Miner (Biggest)
First: Pixie, Cindy Hamilton (Smallest)
Best senior dog:
First: Hassie, Frances McCain
Second: Tucker, Susannah Francis
Third: Mia, Cindy Hamiltion
Fourth: Pip, Stephanie Smith
Best family class:
First: Dillon and Dugar, Trip Hoffman
Second: Cooper and Sadie Mae, Carol TenBroek
Third: Mona , Jake
Fourth: Blue and Navajo, Andrew Hein
Best in show:
First: Elle, Betsy Miner
– article submitted