Ups, downs, highs and lows
Published 7:35 pm Thursday, October 18, 2012
Donna called soon after and had estimated Lucy’s age at between 12 and 14 years.
“It’s a miracle she held on this long,” Donna said and then explained that all that they’ve found with blood tests and x-rays.
“I believe in miracles, Donna, what are her chances?”
“We’ll be operating first thing in the morning to remove her uterus and remove some of her bad teeth. She’s doing fine right now and all the staff have adopted her, especially Kim, who spends every spare moment with her.”
“Thanks, Donna, I’ll check in tomorrow after work and be sure to thank the staff for me.”
On Thursday after my shift I rushed to Landrum to see how Lucy did. I learned that the operation went well but Lucy was down to 3 pounds after all the infected area was removed.
“Kim is with her now,” Donna said. “Of course,” I said smiling and I left hopeful and optimistic.
Roscoe had been brought back and I told them I’d be taking him to Dogwood Farms on Saturday. After a few more stops I went home and started making calls. I was delighted to see how many people were willing to help get Lucy into a forever home to live out her life, especially Lori Jewell at Pet Tender Angels. I then wrote a letter to an extended family who all pitched in and donated $500 to Lennie’s Kids; I let them know their money went toward Lucy.
Friday after work I again rushed over to visit Lucy and learned she was eating well and the staff once again told me how much they loved her.
“I love you guys,” I said. “We love you too Lennie.”
I went to the recovery area and held the darling little soul in my arms as Kim took photos for me.
On Saturday I went to pick up Roscoe to bring to Dogwood Farms; he is now there and having a ball with all the other dogs. I’m hoping the right family will adopt him from there, meanwhile Josh is working on his problem. When I went in to fetch Roscoe, Kim tearfully came up to me and informed me that Lucy passed away during the night. Everyone agreed that her heart just gave out. Kim was inconsolable and I told her that Lucy died with more love and caring than she had received in a long time.
“God only lends them to us sweetheart, we did what we could but I guess He wanted her back.”
Thanks for sharing my highs and lows and as always:
Thanks for listening.