Edits made to May 9, 2012, Polk County Unified Development Ordinance

Published 4:16 pm Thursday, September 13, 2012

5.  Repeat Violations.  If an owner or occupant repeats the same violation within a five-year period from the date of the initial violation, it shall be considered to be a continuation of the initial violation repeat violation and shall be subject to additional penalties and remedies and the penalties set forth in Section, belowProvided, however, this section, and the increased penalties set forth in Section, shall not apply to a continuing violation as prescribed in Section


6.         2.7.3.  Every lot, except those used exclusively for public utilities, shall have sufficient area, dimensions, and street access to permit a principal building to be erected thereon in compliance with all lot size and dimensions, yard space, setback, and other requirements of this Ordinance.

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7.         2.8.1.  Along public rights-of-way, a buffer consisting of all existing vegetation located in a required street yard yard fronting a street shall be maintained, exclusive of areas required for access to the site.


8.         3.2.4.  The volume, intensity, or frequency of use of property where a nonconforming situation exists may be changed if these or similar changes amount only to changes in the degree of activity rather than changes in kind and no violations of other paragraphs of this Article occur.


9.         3.2.6.  Minor repairs to and routine maintenance of property where nonconforming situations exist are permitted and encouraged.  For the purpose of this section, minor repairs and routine maintenance shall not exceed ten percent of the taxed value to be repaired and/or maintained.  Major renovations–work estimated to cost costing more than ten percent but less than 60 percent of the taxed value of the structure to be renovated–may be done provided that the work will not result in a violation of any other paragraph in this Article.  In no case, however, shall work costing more than 60 percent of the taxed value of the structure be done, singularly or cumulatively, within any five-year period.


10. Individual reviews may occur be conducted by TRP members and comments individually submitted to the Administrator.


11.       4.3.  The Polk County Board of Commissioners has those powers and duties as provided herein and by Article 4 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes.


12. All members of the Planning Board, including the an alternate when seated serving in place of a regular member, shall have equal rights, privileges, and duties. Any member of the Board who misses more than three consecutive regular meetings or more than half the regular meetings in a calendar year shall lose his or her status as a member of the Board and shall be replaced or reappointed by the Board of Commissioners, as appropriate. Absence due to sickness, death, or other emergencies of like nature shall be recognized as excused absences, and shall not affect the member’s status on the Board, except that in the event of a long illness or other such cause for prolonged absence, the member shall be replaced.