Silver Creek Community roads complete

Published 5:34 pm Friday, August 24, 2012

The homeowner’s association disbanded in 2001 and the roads, which had already begun deteriorating, continued to grow worse.
Residents began a few years ago asking for the state’s help in maintaining the roads, which were so dilapidated and dangerous that school buses could not enter to pick up children.
Residents banded together in 2007 to improve the neighborhood and in 2009 changed the name of the subdivision to the Silver Creek Community because of the bad reputation associated with the subdivision’s former name, Land of Lakes.
Homeowners began to petition the state three years ago to take over maintenance and have since placed welcome signs in the community, built flower boxes, started regular litter collection days and have gathered to fill potholes in the roads.
The community also paid for some of the grading work and got donations for the school bus shelters.
The county joined the effort a few years ago and approved a resolution asking the state to take over the road maintenance.
Sen. Tom Apodaca and Rep. David Guice also joined the effort and contributed $75,000 each from their discretionary funds toward the project. The community also qualified for state transportation funding.
The first phase of the project was originally estimated at $250,000 for the first 1.3 miles of road improvement.
Residents have asked the state to take over the remaining roads in the subdivision but it’s uncertain currently if the state will approve maintaining the entire road system.

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