Columbus Fab Fourth event
Published 9:28 pm Tuesday, July 10, 2012
To the editor:
What a wonderful full-day 50th celebration of the birth of our country in Columbus July 4.
The food was terrific (gotta love the funnel cakes), music, rides, a real celebration. One little thing was overlooked.
Back by the flags museum the committee had set next to it the VFW booth, the last booth in a short string of side booths.
The only reason we were even celebrating was because of the veterans who fought, maybe got injured or gave their life so that we could celebrate this holiday in peace.
Personally I think the booth should have been on Main Street where more people could donate and proudly wear their “buddy poppy.”
Helping returning vets with injuries should be a major priority. Maybe next year they’ll get it right.
–Rusti Osvath