Don’t be a chicken: Take ‘Poultry 101’

Published 4:14 pm Monday, June 18, 2012

Q: How do you choose your breed?
A: Your choice of breed includes your preference and your purpose. Some chickens are better egg layers, some are primarily good meat birds and some are both. There are chickens that do better in a specific climate, some that do better free-ranging and some that are more friendly or docile. Go online and get a wealth of information. Almost every breed has its’ own website.  Think about your needs and your goals and then just get started.

Q: When do you purchase your flock?
A: Its’ not too late even now, but in the early to late spring.  You will see chicks a plenty in farmers markets and garden supply stores. But have an immediate game plan as these cute fuzzy creatures grow fast!  Try to purchase within your geographical area and then learn to hatch your next flock yourself as these seem to be the most hardy and disease resistant.

Q: What do you feed your flock?
A: A local feed rather than a national supply chain is the best source. There are organic options in which all the ingredients come from strictly organic origins.  There are no-grain blends and local grown products. Some feed comes with antibiotics added, so read labels and ask questions.
Continue this conversation with Dawn Jordan of Restoration Farm and order one of her heirloom Red Bourbon Turkeys for the tasting. Find her contact info at and go to Farmers’ Profiles.

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– article by Carol Lynn Jackson