GFPC meets at Riverbend Equestrian Park

Published 10:43 am Friday, May 18, 2012

Members of the Greenville Foothills Pony Club (GFPC) painted stick horses to sell at the Block House Steeplechase that was held April 21 at FENCE. Proceeds from the entrants in the stick horse race and the sale of the stick horses went to support the educational program of the club. The GFPC’s April meeting was held at Riverbend Equestrian Park. Members had a full day that included both mounted and unmounted instruction to the USPC standards of proficiency. USPC National Examiner Kathi Hines of Winston Salem taught and helped to prepare members for their next certification level. For information on GFPC, email, visit or find the club on Facebook at Greenville Foothills Pony Club (SC/NC). (photo submitted by Carolyn Culbertson)

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