‘Take Charge of Your Wellness’ at ICC
Published 10:37 am Thursday, May 10, 2012
Polk Wellness Center presented “Take Charge of Your Wellness” at Isothermal Community College on April 19. More than 50 people attended this free event, which included lunch sponsored by Costco. Topics discussed were preventive health, financial wellness, advance care planning and building quality relationships. Pictured: (left to right, front row): Scarlette Bennett Tapp (marketing consultant), Randy Grant (therapist), Laura Ellington (therapist), Amanda Hovis (physician assistant), Maureen Smith (board member) and Beverly Lewinski (administrative director); (Left to right, back row): Jim Nagi (director) and Michael Ashworth (board member). Not pictured: Kate Barkschat (board member) and Duncan Ely (board of directors president). (photo submitted by Scarlette Bennett Tapp)