Where We Work: Bryant Belin
Published 10:50 am Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Advice to young entrepreneurs: Always be true to yourself and your dream. Be certain to surround yourself with people who not only support your dream but are willing to tell you “Hey, you’re moving too fast” or “I suggest you think xxxxx through a bit more,” etc. Will this be difficult? Yes! Will you lose sleep? Yes? Will you want to give up at times? Yes! Will it still be worth every minute? Yes! Never give up on your dream.
My first job: My first job was my own lawnmower business (mainly during the summer). My neighbors’ and relatives’ lawns were a starting point, and I gradually added service for a few teachers, too. My initial purpose for doing this was to make money for clothing and supplies for the following school year. I later realized how influential this was in establishing the desire to be in business for myself later on.
Your role model (in business or in life generally): My parents are my role models. They taught and continue to instill the importance of education in me and my siblings. They emphasized developing the knowledge and common sense to think for and support yourself and your family. The way they raised us planted the seed of empowerment. I’m simply continuing the legacy they started.
The key to a successful business: Accept the challenges you will face as learning opportunities. Be certain what you’re in business for is what you love, have a passion for and do not mind sharing with others. This keeps you focused and establishes why you’re in business in the first place. Simple setbacks and periodic downfalls will not cause you to neglect your duties if your reason for being in business is based on passion (something your heart is into) and not out of necessity. You will simply get back up and keep going.