Meadowbrook Seniors golf results
Published 7:48 am Friday, November 18, 2011
Meadowbrook Seniors results from the Captain’s Choice Fall Tournament on Oct. 24 were as follows:
First place team: Doug Parton, Henry Lemons and Alan Wagner, -11
Second place team: Bob Harley, Clint Rowe, Curt Gladson and Hugh Bishop, -8
Results from age group golf on Oct. 31 were as follows:
72-80 years old:
First: David Sparks, +7
Second: Marvin Harvey, +4
Third: Henry Lemons, +2
67-71 years old
First: Tie between Mike Sutherland and Larry Ware, +5
Third: Tie between Paul Cox and Tal Holloman, +4
55-66 years old
First: Ken Hansen, +5
Second: Three-way tie: David Holland, Don Wease and Alan Wagner, +1
– article submitted