Lake Adger residents donate to TBOM
Published 6:49 pm Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Lake Adger residents collected and donated 333 pounds of food to the Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry (TBOM).
“We will use the food and funds to help support families in need throughout our community,” said Carol Newton, executive director of TBOM. In addition to food donations, Lake Adger residents contributed funds in support of TBOM’s mission, which is to provide compassionate assistance to Polk County residents who do not have the resources to provide for their basic life needs.
The event was held on Saturday, Oct. 15 at Lake Adger. Chris and Linda Greensfelder, residents of Lake Adger, spearheaded the event by producing fliers and coordinating three drop-off sites along the lake.
“We are so very grateful to Chris and Linda for their leadership in coordinating and implementing this wonderful event. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all the residents of
Lake Adger for their generous support of Outreach,” said Jason Eller, director of development for TBOM.
– article submitted by Jason Eller