Pavillon dedicates new facility

Published 9:54 am Friday, October 7, 2011

Pavillon CEO Anne Vance (left) with Dale and Patty Holl, Polk County residents for whom the new facility was named. (photo submitted)

Facility named Holl Center to honor two Polk residents
In a dedication ceremony this week, Pavillon Treatment Center named its new admissions building in honor of Polk County residents Dale and Patty Holl.
With dignitaries, colleagues, staff and friends in attendance, the 6,500-square-foot building was officially named the Holl Center in recognition of the Holls’ long-time involvement with Pavillon.
“The factors that contribute to the achievements of an organization like ours aren’t adequately portrayed in headlines or even through remarkable milestones like this,” said Anne Vance, CEO for Pavillon. “These achievements are the result of determination and involvement from people such as yourselves who have been committed to the work of Pavillon over the long haul.”
From its earliest beginnings in Canada to its eventual move to North Carolina in 1996, Pavillon has been the recipient of the Holls’ time, talents, professional skills, creativity and generosity, Vance said.
The new facility will handle patient admissions, intake counseling, family intervention and administrative support. Previously all of those functions were handled in Pavillon’s existing building, alongside the patients’ residential section.
Completion of the center now clears the way for renovations to the existing building for a new medical detoxification unit and updated clinical treatment areas.
“An ever-increasing patient census, along with corresponding growth in staff, had resulted in some serious overcrowding and a growing concern for patient and family privacy,” said Tom Covington, chairman of the board.

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