Polk Middle cross country boys win

Published 8:40 pm Monday, October 3, 2011

PCMS Boys Cross Country team won a meet at Asheville Christian Academy on Sept. 28. Left to right: Dustin Bradley, Andrew Merriotte, Daniel Painter, Jake Russell, Will Sachse, Jacob Wolfe, Lucas Ewing and Sean Doyle. (photo submitted by Jenny Wolfe)

The Polk County Middle School boys cross country team defeated 14 schools at the Asheville Christian Academy meet held on Wednesday, September 28.
Four Polk boys finished in the top 10 of a field of 140 runners. Sean Doyle (12:31) placed second overall in a “photo finish” 2-miler. Jacob Wolfe held a huge surge, clinching fourth place in 12:59. Both Doyle and Wolfe received medals for their top 5 finish.
Daniel Painter (13:24) ran a personal record to grab ninth place, and Jake Russell (13:24.1) also ran a personal record,placing tenth for the Wolverines. Also competing for Polk: Lucas Ewing (14:28) (a personal record), Will Sachse (14:34) and Andrew Merriotte 23:19.
Polk girls finished 10th of 14 teams. Racing for the Wolverines: India Godlock (14:47), Colleen Burke (16:00), Selena Chavez (16:36), Savannah Robbins (16:42), Lauren Stratman (16:46), Jessica Bentley (16:59), Alyse Bulleit (18:21), Marissa Longshore (22:43), Baliya Canady (23:23), Alicia Twitty (23:39), Brittany Pierce (25:33). Burke, Robbins, Stratman, Bulleit, Lonshore, Canady, Twitty and Pierce all ran their personal best times.
The Wolverine Cross Country teams will race at Rugby Middle on Oct. 5 at 4:30 p.m.
– article submitted
by Jenny Wolfe

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