Nearly 50 boxes collected at Memorial Day Singing for Soldiers
Published 3:04 pm Monday, June 14, 2010
On Memorial Day morning, organizers for the Singing for the Soldiers event scheduled that evening at the Polk county veterans park woke up to a 100 percent forecast of rain
Thankfully, after an offer from the Columbus Fire Chief Geoff Tennant, the show went on inside the firehouse and became one of the most successful events out of the eight Singing for Soldiers events which have taken place since January 2008.
Over 250 people attended, including 103-year-old Frank Boat Williams, who surprised the crowd by stepping up to the mike and singing a song, as well as 91-year-old Normandy veteran Howard Greene and 90-year-old former county commisoner Henry Huntsinger, another World War II veteran. Huntsinger and Greene were part of the seven member Polk County Honor Guard who fired a gun salute in honor of Polk County men who gave their life for freedom in past wars.
Many local business, churches, restaurants,and grocery stores volunteered food and supplies and donations to make sales of all food go 100 percent to help the soldiers.
An army of about 30 volunteers ranging from hot dog and corn cooks, to singers to dishwashers helped bring the event together.
Meghan Yarboro volunteered to head up the baked goods sale, something that was dear to her since her husband Hunter is currently in Afghanistan serving a tour of duty. Food sales including hot dogs, roasted corn, baked goods, drinks, etc. as well as a cake auction and other donations raised $3,100 to purchase additional personal items for the troops as well as paying shipping costs.
Nearly 50 boxes of items such as socks, CDs, lip balm,&bsp; sanitizer, snacks and toiletries were collected and packed at the event to send to the troops overseas.
Music from the Green River Boys, Soldiers for the Cross and the Jason Camp Family entertained the crowd of all ages.
If anyone would like to contribute items or monetary donations they can be dropped off at WJFJ radio anytime of the year. The next event will be scheduled around Veterans Day in November. All items are sent to chaplains serving in Iraq, who in turn distribute the items to the troops in the field. The chaplains also send updated want lists from time to time to keep organizer Sherry Carney informed as to their needs.