Seniors invited to Memory Book pilot project workshops
Published 7:06 pm Thursday, March 18, 2010
An Upstate South Carolina resident is partnering with O.P. Earle Elementary School in Landrum and the Senior Centers of Spartanburg County for a Lifes Reflection Memory Book pilot project. Alene Bryant is inviting Landrum area senior citizens, including Polk County residents, to participate in the project and create a lifes story bound in a book of memories. Workshops for the project will be held at O.P. Earle Elementary Schools multippurpose room each Monday beginning March 22 through August 23. The workshops will be held from 10 a.m. to noon. Volunteers will obtain your family history through a questionnaire and two types of memory books and a personalized DVD set to music will be offered. There is a small charge for the books. Bryant, who has been active with the senior center of Chesnee since retirement, says she would like to see as many seniors as possible come to the workshops and “have the opportunity to join us for two hours of reminiscing and sharing their memories with our volunteers.”