Birding expert to give lecture Jan. 14
Published 3:07 pm Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Noted ornithologist Simon Thompson will be speaking on Birds in Winter at the Tryon Fine Arts Center on Thursday, January 14, at 1:30 p.m. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Anyone interested in learning about the rich avian community that exists right here in Polk County is encouraged to attend.
Curious about what foods attract what birds; what and how to feed during the winter months? This and many other questions will be addressed during the upcoming lecture, whch includes a slide show presentation on the variety of winter birds in our area warblers, world-traveled migrants, and full-time residents all.
Thompson, author of several bird guides, has lived in North Caroline for more than a decade. Originally from Suffolk England, he has led birding expeditions throughout the globe. As well, he has conducted countless birding workshops and bird watching trips throughout western North Carolina.
The lecture is being sponsored by the Green Blades Garden Club, a non-profit organization in Tryon, dedicated to promoting gardening in all its aspects. In addition to its many lectures and field trips, the club conducts a variety of civic programs each year, many centered around the beautifucation, conservation and education of the areas natural resources.
For further information about the club or for those interested in joining, contact Callie Smith at 828-859-5053.