Landrum Fire Department handed rescue duties
Published 5:49 pm Thursday, August 14, 2008
Rescue 11, Landrum area&squo;s Spartanburg County Rescue operation does have extracation tools and will still be on scene, but the fire department will be in charge of any rescue operations and will have to have equipment to do so.
Luckily, Flynn said, a new fire truck that is expected to be delivered to Landrum on Oct. 15 is equipped to handle such rescues and another truck also is equipped. So for the time being, the Landrum department will be equipped and able to handle all rescue operations.
Landrum&squo;s concerns were that the county is handing over operations, but without an offer of funding.
&uot;Is that going to require that the station be manned 24 hours,&uot; asked councilman Randy Wohnig.
&uot;You hit the nail on the head,&uot; said Flynn. &uot;Eventually I see it&squo;s coming that way.&uot;
City administrator Steve Wolochowicz said that Flynn is right and he is sure eventually the fire department will have to be manned 24/7.
But there are currently a lot of unanswered questions that will have to be worked out when that day comes, such as will the county fund those positions or the city, he said.
Landrum Mayor Bob Briggs suggested local council members speak with county council members about the future of the fire department responsibilities and where the money is going to come from.