Saturday workshop: ‘Wholistic’ approach to weight loss
On Saturday, Jan. 16, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at 835 N. Trade St. in Tryon, the Tryon Holistic Health Network will sponsor a workshop entitled “Beyond Weight Loss, A Wholistic Approach” led by Bindu Johnson.
Current thought in weight loss focuses on calories in and calories out. If you expend more calories than you are eating, then you lose weight. If you take in more calories than you are eating, you gain weight. Pretty simple and straight forward.
But does it work? We have followed this line of thinking for 30 years or more and the rate of overweight and obesity in our world continues to grow. For those who have diligently tried this line of thinking again and again and have failed again and again, it becomes discouraging at best. We are told we lack will power and are blamed for our own failure.
What if the problem isn’t with you and your willpower, but with the model itself? In this workshop we will explore a more wholistic model of weight loss. We will explore myths that keep you stuck in the never-ending cycle of losing and regaining weight. We will then explore 12 elements to reclaiming your health and achieving natural healthy weight loss that isn’t dependent on willpower.
By adopting a lifestyle that generates balance and wholeness which nurtures body, heart, mind and spirit, you can end your struggle with your weight and discover a whole new level of inner peace and happiness.
Taught by Bindu Johnson, an Integrative Wholeness Coach who assists individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals through diet and lifestyle modification, homeopathy, inner transformational work and meditation. She gives her clients the personal attention they desire to move beyond their challenges and open to their full potential.
Her multiple certifications include Wellness Coach, Metabolic Typing Advisor, BioEnergetic Assessment Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Healing Codes Coach, Meditation Instructor, and Yoga Teacher.
For more information go to, or call Bindu Johnson at 828-290-9110.
– Submitted by Bindu Johnson