Western Carolina Hunter Pace and Trail Ride series standings at Feb. 24

After nine of what was to be 18 events of the 2015-16 Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series, there are ties all down the line, leaving the current standings as follows:


Total Riders: 510

Field Hunters: 198                                                                                                                 

Donna Schwind has moved into the lead with a current accumulation of 38 series points.

Karen Brockway and Nancy Mason are in second with 35 series points at this time.

Beth Goldizen and Sara Riggins are tied for third with 33 points to date.

Sylvia Brown and Kelly Hart have third place with a current count of 31 series points.

Sara Borkosky is in fifth place with 28 points.

Kailey Beck, Mirri Jene Robertson Haddon and Sanders Watt are tied in sixth with 26 points earned apiece.

Amanda Aiello has moved up into seventh with 25 points at this time.

Baiba Bourbeau and Beatrice Lamb are currently in eighth with an accumulation of 24 points to date.

Elise Rogers is in ninth with 21 points at this time.

Melissa Champion has earned 19 series points to date to put her in tenth place.

Kathy Bethka has earned 18 series points to date.

Bryan Baire, Stephanie O’Neill and Lindsay Sloas have each earned 17 points at this time.

Rick Hayden and Donna Jordan have earned 16 series points.

Nicola Deines has earned 15 points to date.

Chrystal Crispin, Jamie Fritsch, Rod Hawk, Emily Mitchell, Marin Simpkins and Eileen Taylor have 14 points apiece at this writing.

Haley Johnson and Elyssa LaRock have each earned 13 series points to date.

Tevis Cazedessus, Lyn Owen, and Katherine Stancliff are currently tied in with 12 series points.

Alaina Brooks, Stephanie Culbertson, Baylis Mitchell, Diane Roemer, Zoe Sarvis, Wendy Schonfeld, Paige Tillison and Aileen and Allen Wawrzaszek each have a count of ten points at this writing.

Justin Collinet, Marsha Lanier, Karen Merrill, Raina Rushing, Teresa Snyder and Nicole Williams have earned nine points apiece.

Eight points have been earned to date by Harlee Fulford, Carla Fullam, Ted Owen, Chris Riddle, Jenny Taylor, T.J. Vore, and Sherry Wyatt.

Luci Janusvkiewich, Ashley Martin, and Lauren Parris have earned seven points apiece.

Six series points each to Michael and Roberta Axelrod, Holly Bacola, Nancy Brigmon, Candice Carr, Anna Davis, Rebecca Drumgool, Jan Ellis, Joni Fielding, Ann Fratcher, Caprice Fullam, Desiree Gash, Brittney Husband, Katie Martin, Holly Mitchell, Claire Moore, Paula Moore, Wendy Newbegin, Ellie Phillips, Angela and Caleigh Reichardt, Addison Sama, Janine and Tom Stenson and Alan Taylor.

Brooke Bailey, Erin Gambrel, Catherine Gillet, Justin Hull, Greg Smith, Penny Sullivan, Briana Timmerman, and Faith and Stephanie Wanicka have five points each at this time.

Four series points apiece to Becky and Bethany Bennett, Katie and Kim Bradley, Jack Brigmon, Jamie Broyles, Spencer Chriss, Jill Decker, Stephanie Easler, Lynn Fitch, Lorie Fleenor, Tim Giles, Elizabeth Gregory, Brenda McNenny, Lisa Moore, Kristina Nordan, Anne Pierce, Mary Anne Ridgely, Vickie Smith, Brandon Spencer, Gail Thompson and Jillian Woolridge.

Sarah Brillhart has earned three series points to date.

Two completion points at this time for: Ted Andrus, Irene Backer, Isabella Barker, Taylor Bartee, Dan Bates, Mallory Blackwood, Chloe Bosshard, Hannah Bowers, Cindy Boyle, Carrie Britt, Stephanie Brown, Bryton Champion, Steven Chriss, Jeff Crain, Marilyn Cullinan, Rachel Darash, Callie Deines, Erin Desrosiers, Becky Deyton, Gabrielle DiLemme, Grace Doncousse, Felicia Duck, Lisa Duscio, Emelia Fredrick, Jennifer Gardner, Kathy Garrett, Susan Haslam, Peggy Horton, Janada and Lauren Jay, Lilly Johnson, Victoria Joseph, Barbara Ketcham, Susan Knickerbocker, Lisa Kotallik, Carol Land, Lauren Leistner, Bonnie Lingerfelt, Mary Livesay, Patti Lovelace, Rebekah Maddox, Joe and Kate Manno, Sarah Maurer, Rilee McDonald, Anne McIver, Taylor Meletti, Gena Meredith, Connie Moore, Carrie Nicholson, Chris Ogden, Holly Orfield, Kaitlyn and Shawna Owen, Kathryn Page, Erin and Reine Pagliano, Gail Patton, Harold Pfeiffer, Julie Phillips, Stephanie Poole, Jules Porter, Kathy Powell, Kelly Rappuchi, Lynn Ronzello, Emily Saue, Kim Schembra, Anne Schmid, Julia Seibold, Haley Selby, Laurie Smith, Mary Marsten St. John, Kristen and Thomas Stanley, Rachel Tessmer, Debbie Thrasher, Catherine Vaughan-Keen, Lindsey Weicker, Anita Williamsonm Dean Withers, Allison Wozniak and Stacey Zeabart.


Trail Riders: 312

Jennifer R Smith has lengthened her lead with 46 series points earned to date.

Bobby Turner is in second place with 33 points at this writing.

Jennifer A Smith is currently in third with 32 series points.

Valerie Quinn has slipped to fourth with 31 points to date.

Kristen Hughes is in fifth place having earned 30 series points.

Janna Ritacco is currently in sixth with an accumulation of 28 points.

Kristen Brown has moved up into seventh with 26 series points at this writing.

Missy Bright and Jan Smith are currently in eighth place with 25 points earned.

Susannah Francis, Dawn Harrison and Carrie Wilsey have earned 24 points to date to put them in ninth at this time.

Nancy Hasselbring has earned 23 points to put her in 10th at this writing.

Ginny Jennings has earned 22 series points to date.

Donna Searby has 20 points at this time.

Arlene Lulavage has an accumulation of 19 points earned to date.

Amanda Fisher has earned 18 series points.

Diane Balding, Toni Corn, and Deanna Mcilwain each have earned 17 series points at this writing

Jeanette Deney and Lisa Kotallik have 16 points at this time.

Jim and Shea Black, Bette Sumrell Mann, and Lauren Wade have earned 15 points each to date.

Lani Hasselbring, Nikki Hynes and Kris Yon have each earned 14 series points

Susie Brown has 13 points at this time.

Kelley Featheringill, Susan Melvin, Ali Merritt, Lynn Ronzello, and Sheila Veatch have each earned 12 series points to date.

Marcia Headrick, Eden Isbell and Rachel Sauve have 11 points each.

Ten points each earned to date by: Garry Gill, Lee Herron, Lori James, Mackenzie Kothe, Danielle Lamb, Lin Martin, Bridget and Thea Mercer.

Jackie Burke, Benay Daniel, Elizabeth Dicey, Sandra Larson, Richard Neel and Debbi Stanfield are currently tied with nine series points apiece.

Eight points each earned by Darleen Bullock, Kelly Cannon, Olivia Farmer, Lynn Fitch, Llyn Josef, Connie Moore, Marc Sauve, Carly White, Carolina Wilson, and Emily Wojcik.

Michelle Drum, Ann and Tony Hubbuch, Kelsey Hudson, Jeff McQueen, Amanda Morfinos, Andrew Mosteller, Noah Odum, Laurie Ridgeway, Leslie Scott, Monica Shaw, Heidi and Tom Trull are currently tied with seven series points apiece.

Kyle Farmer, Susan Haslam, Tracey Hudson, Susan Jackson, Linda Lambert, Kendall LeDuc, Jane Lynch, Hannah McClintock, Cressa Megown, DeAnna Norton, Kathy Powell, Doreen Simmons, Carol Stanley, Jerry Webb and Glenda Wolf have each earned six series points to date.

Irene Backer, Anna Dalton, Kat Dooley, Tara Herrero, Jessica Johnson, Lori Kunkel, Karla Leung, Samantha Messamer, Rachel O’Brien, Christine and Megan Salyer, Laruen Smith, Maxine Winesett, and Sanders Wyatt each have a current accumulation of five points.

With four series points each are: Katie Birchenough, Tara Boyce, Alaina Brooks, Erika Conklin, Debbie Croft, Greg Cumberford, Janet Cummings, Bob and Terri Davenport, Ivette Drumgool, Patricia Dumit, Ally Dunlavey, Stephanie Easler, Sherry Garnes, Deana Gilliam, Emily Grimm, Susan Knickerbocker, Caroline T Knox, Patti Lovelace, Angela McGehe, Carole Milne,  April Pauley Mink, Jessica and Karyn Owen, Sally Rock, Alicia Sama, Olynda Stretcher, Ivey Sumrell, Rebecca Tolson, David Wilson and Sherry Wyatt.

With three points each: Ralph Anderson, Cindy Clifton, Suess Fraser, Kylie Simms, and Jenna Wilson.

Two completion points earned apiece by: Courtney Abrams, Ella, Kaitlyn and Laura Adams, Karl Alexander, Briana Ambrosic, Ted Andrus, Aria Baddorf, Rebecca Barnes, Michelle Barshaw, Taylor Bartee, Sara Bassett, Janet Baxter, Karen Benson, Laura Bierly, Sara Boelt, Alexis Botchie, Nellie Brennecke, Lauren Briggs, Riley Brown, Jackie Burt, Beth Cain-Stiles, Tricia Candileri, Kristi Cattrell, Tevis Cazedessus, Beth Clevenger, Caroline Coates, Doug and Nicole Cobb, Maxine Cook, Rachel Derash, Ella Davis, Jadyn Layne Denty, Gabrielle DiLemme, Della and Lilly Driver, Carrisa Duncan, Jane Eden, Katheryn Eilders, Susan Fiala, Heidi Fitch, Kay Fleenor, Melanie Flewelling, Ann Fratcher, Heather Freeman, Gwen Freer, Carla Fullam, Elizabeth Galloway, Erin Gambrel, Barry and Jacob Garnes, Jacqueline Garrett, Amy Gee, Sierra Gerringer, Bob and Olivia Giddings, Caroline Gilliam, Carolyne Groves, Jennifer Gruhn, Calvin Halford, Cindy Hansuh, Saylor Hardin, Lee Ann  Harmon, Laura Hendley, Betty Hill, Susan Justus Hill, Daphne Hoffen, Melinda Holland, Madison Hosler, Elaine and Michaela Hughes, Sandra Hyder, Patricia Iacomini, Julia Jaeger, Lilly Johnson, Linda Ketcham, Dana Kind, Whitney King, Judie Klapholz, Debbie Knebel, Terri Kothe, Elyssa LaRock, Linda Latimer, Sarah Lawing, Janet Leatherwood, Janet LeCroy, Amy Lewis, Christian Lopez, Martha Love, Katlyn Lowder, Sara Lyter, Mary Macy, Laura Mallen, Joe and Kate Manno, Hailey Marchbanks, Julie Mathis, Sharon Maxwell, Elizabeth McCorvey, Betsy McCray, Soline McGee, Devin McHale, Roberta McKinney, Lanier McRee, Kathryn Meli, Cynthia Milligan, Paula Moore, Wesley Moore, Alicia Morgan, Kaitlyn Moss, Kathleen Nebel, Caitlin Nihart, Anna Oglesby, Erin and Reine Pagliano, Jessie and Kent Parent, Edith Peters, Karen and Richard Peterson, Ditte Phillips, Georgia Phillips, Arden Pierce, Annie Grace Plott, Eva Pool, Stephanie Poole, Cate Prince, Charlene and Lilly Quinn, Evie and Margie Rackley, Ann Ramsey, Rebekah Randall, Kelly Rappuchi, Abigail Raymond, Taylor Reed, Mary Jane Rice, Antje Richter, Amy and Julie Rieth, Russ Rock, Tabbitha Ross, Margret Rumsey, Terry Russell, Christine Schlett, Mary Schultz-Rathbun, Amber Short, Jill Slinger, Jennifer Spratt, Katherine Stancliff, Katherine Stancliff(2nd Ride), Yasmin Straitiff, Michelle Sumner, Katie Tighe, Sabrina Torr, Lisa Trojan, Holly Wagner, Kate Walkonen, Grace Wilkins, Hunter Williams, Nancy Wilson, Robin Wilson, Catherine Winter, D’Lee Worden, Caroline Young, Stacey Zeabart and Anna Katherine Zimmerman.

One point apiece has been earned to date by Jennifer Bannister, Lisa Duscio, Elaine Hobbs and Evie Renee Moore.


With FENCE getting just enough of a break in the weather, the Western Carolina Hunter Pace Series is officially back from winter break and the schedule is warming back up.

The Clemson Eventing Team is next on the schedule with their Hunter Paces to be held on the extensive Clemson trail system on Saturday, March 5. The Green Creek Hounds will follow with their annual Spring Hunter Pace on Sunday, March 20.

Tryon Hounds will be next on Sunday, April 10, followed by the River Valley Pony Club on the April 24. The spring schedule will continue straight through May, with our Year End Awards Gathering in the latter half of June, so be sure to check the schedule and come play with us.

Always remember to check WCHPace.org for all upcoming events, news, articles, photos, placements and contact information.

Thank you to our photographers Lou Smith and Emma Arcularius, for being at the events to capture riders and their mounts as they fly over jumps, canter through the fields and enjoy the beautiful area trails.

Hit “Store” on the website to view the pictures. If you like, you can place an order online.

For information on the Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series e-mail Series Coordinator, Jan Smith, at WCHPace@Windstream.net or call Jan at 828-894-8760.

-Submitted by Jan Smith



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