Patrick McMillan to speak to Tryon Garden Club


Patrick McMillan will speak on the importance of biodiversity in the southern Blue Ridge on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2 p.m. at FENCE. The public is welcome. Please come and bring a friend.


McMillan is the Glenn and Heather Hilliard Professor of Environmental Sustainability at Clemson University, director of the S.C. Botanical Garden, and host of the ETV program ‘Expeditions with Patrick McMillan.’


Mr. McMillan is a naturalist, biologist, and educator. His program titled “The Southern Blue Ridge—Crucible of Life” will focus on the importance of the biodiversity of plants and animals protected in the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment.


This is the heart of the most diverse temperate broad-leaved forest on the continent. The unique position, climate and varied topography of ridges and gorges have provided protection in the face of change and adverse climate again and again.

Recognizing and conserving as much of this ecosystem as possible is essential.


McMillan suggests a network of conservation corridors to buffer change in the eastern deciduous forest, ensuring our children’s children will enjoy the same diversity of life we do today. Please come hear his presentation.


The meeting will be held at Foothills Equestrian Nature Center (FENCE), located at 3381 Hunting Country Road in Tryon. For directions contact 828-859-9021 or visit


-Submitted by Lucy Brannon

