Applications available for Block House Steeplechase vendors
Run, don’t walk … to be a vendor at the Block House Steeplechase Races on Saturday, May 7, at FENCE in Tryon, N.C. If you have a store, business or service that you want to showcase to a large number of people we would like to extend a marketing offer to you.
The 70th running of the Block House Steeplechase is widely considered the spring “kickoff” event for the western upstate region. This annual event brings in crowds in the tens of thousands.
Our Vendor Village is centrally located in the permanent stables of the infield. Each space is 10 feet by 10 feet with solid walls and an additional 10 feet by 10 feet space outside the stall to set up your wares. Use the stall space to store your merchandise or to invite people inside. Applications must be received by April 8.
Questions? Please contact our Vendor Coordinator, Ann Troppmann, at or 513-706-2979.
-Submitted by Tryon Riding and Hunt Club