You asked, we received: Fine print getting bigger

Dear Readers,
Last fall, to better assist our classified advertising customers, we made the decision to change the software we used for our classifieds.  Part of that transition included a change to the print size of our classifieds.  While many were happy with the new classified system itself the reaction to the new font size was not so well received.
We have received calls and emails about the small print size and just yesterday I spoke with a very nice lady from Saluda, (she wants to remain anonymous) and she told me that while she enjoys reading the paper she just can’t read the classifieds because the print is too small.  I let her know that we are going to increase the font size, and now you know too. The lady brought up the question of cost.  “Would this make the cost more?” A good question and one I’m happy to answer with a resounding no.  We will adjust the rates to reflect the new size.
I wish I could say it will happen immediately but in today’s world of technology what used to be a simple change can now be a more involved project.  However, I’m confident that in the next few weeks you will see the classifieds return to a larger, easier to read font.
Thank you for your patience with us as we make this transition and thank you for your continued readership.
Betty Ramsey
