People make this area thrive

We have some real movers and shakers in this area with lots of great ideas to promote our area. Some of these individuals are business owners and some are residents that want to see the area thrive, be a wonderful place to live, work and play. Many times, actually most of the time, it is through the hard work and dedication of these individuals and groups that there are so many reasons to love and call this area home.
Yesterday there was an Open House event, in downtown Tryon, put together to bring property owners and potential businesses together. The individuals organizing the event did not do this to seek credit for themselves, but because they too love the area and want to see it develop and succeed.
A warm thank you to Happy McLeod, Jeremy Wood and Cindy Viehman for working together to organize and lead the “For the Love of Tryon” open house.  We hope your efforts are successful.
On Saturday be sure to check out some of the other great events planned for this weekend. The Tryon Gallery TROT has 28 local artists who have come together to exhibit their work. There is something for everyone, paintings, pottery, photography and more. It’s a fun affair and if you haven’t been put it on your calendar, you won’t be disappointed.
Have a great love of animals? Then you might want to consider the Grassroots Art Project art classes, which benefit Lennie’s Fund and the Humane Society. Classes are held from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at the Holy Cross Episcopal Church. There is no fee for the class and materials are provided. For more info call 828-859-0673.
Lots of fresh local foods and vegetables are available at the farmers markets in Columbus,  Landrum and Saluda. Columbus is open from 8 a.m. to noon and Landrum from 7 to 10 a.m. on Saturdays. Saluda’s is Fridays from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
You can also buy affordable casual outdoor furniture in teak cedar, plants flowers and more at Thompson’s Garden Shop, in downtown Tryon.



Tryon welcomes new police officer


GIVING BACK: Annual Feed the Foothills Music Festival set for September 28


Local artist Holly Wilkes displays works at Saluda Library


North Carolina salamander moves toward endangered species safeguards


VOLLEYBALL: Wolverines find lessons in four-set loss to Blue Devils


Courthouse Crafts celebrates 20 years at Columbus Farmers Market


Polk County approves school funding, hears updates from Outreach


Donation given to YMCA project


Tenth annual ‘Do Not Lose Hope’ event to take place in Tryon


Tryon History Museum to hold tenth-anniversary celebration


Wolverine Trail becomes state-maintained road


Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office charges several students in connection to school threats


Certain TIEC investors in jeopardy due to legal issue


Polk County Sheriff’s Office to host rabies clinic


Tryon Presbyterian Church to host organ recital


Friends of Ag Breakfast kicks off new season


Learn about the impact of climate change on birds at upcoming program


Dozens attend first installment of Habitatscaping Speaker Series 


Skunk discovered in Tryon tests positive for rabies


Columbus Board of Planning holds second meeting on Feagan Property Development


Polk County chosen for historical buildings, landscapes survey


Imperial Mercantile & Outfitters opens at Tryon International


Jaimee’s Bakery Delights Saluda Tailgate Market


KidSenses to celebrate 20 years of play at free event