Join the Movement, get educated
Sad but true, no child is immune from child sexual abuse. Children of every gender, age, race, background, socioeconomic status and family structure are at risk.
Here are some frightening statistics:
• 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they are 18!
• 20 percent of child sexual abuse victims are under age 8!
• 90 percent of abusers are people the children and parents know, love and trust!*
You can’t tell a child molester from looking at them; those that molest children look and act just like everyone else.
There are people who have or will sexually abuse children in your church, schools, sports leagues, day care and the list goes on and on. Abusers are often the very people we, and our children, trust -neighbors, friends, and family members.
Hope is not lost and there is something you can do to help prevent this horrible crime. Get involved. Locally the Polk County Child Protection and Fatality Prevention Team and Partnership for Children of the Foothills encourages you to JOIN the MOVEMENT.
They have sponsored a free presentation of “Childhood Stories,” a documentary for adults, to learn about steps you can take to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse.
The documentary is produced by Darkness to Light, and along with the movie a light supper and childcare with a puppet show will be provided.
Plan to be there April 18 at the ICC/Polk Campus from 6-7 p.m. and learn what you can do to be part of the solution. Remember, our children are depending on us.
For more information you can call 828-894-2100.
* As provided by Polk County Child Protection and Fatality Prevention Team and Partnership for Children of the Foothills