Polk Democratic County Convention convenes April 16

Polk County Democrats meet for the 2015 convention

Polk County Democrats meet for the 2015 convention

The 2016 Polk County Democratic Party convention is set to convene on Saturday, April 16, starting at 9 a.m. at the Steps to Hope Community Room, located on Ward St. behind Democratic Headquarters in Columbus.  Please use the downstairs entrance across from the Columbus Post Office lot where you can park.


Everyone can enjoy a free, big country-style breakfast and may participate in making plans for the coming year.  It’s an important time for getting together and securing a great future for Polk County, our State and our Country.


Meet Democratic County Commissioner candidates Penny Padgett, Rhonda Lewis and Russell Mierop. They’ll each be speaking briefly about their great plans for serving as Commissioners.  Also, Democratic Congressional Candidate Andy Millard will join us.


All Democrats and kindred spirits are invited to attend as we enjoy the breakfast of pancakes, sausage, egg casserole, fruit, coffee, juice  and all the trimmings. The Democratic women, along with Johnny Metcalf and the men on the grill, will serve up the best.  For info call Pat Salomon at 828-863-2422.

Submitted by Renee McDermott 
