Time for a nuclear-free future

Come to the Polk County Library meeting room in Columbus on Thursday, April 7, 6-8 p.m., to hear three women talk about local, national, and international efforts to ban nuclear weapons worldwide, and to protect our communities and highways from production and transportation of nuclear waste.


Brought to town by Ellen Thomas of Tryon, Carol Urner will talk about her many years of diplomacy overseas, and about current progress in the United Nations toward a nuclear weapons ban treaty.


Carol Urner and Ellen Thomas, friends and fellow anti-nuclear weapons activists, are co-chairs of the Disarm/End Wars Committee of the 101-year-old Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (US Section).


They are in the midst of a nationwide tour sharing the good news not just about international progress toward a ban treaty, but also about a bill in Congress, HR-1976 Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act, that needs help in getting co-sponsors.


Mary Olson of Nuclear Information & Resource Services in Asheville will also be speaking, returning to Polk County to share the latest news about nuclear power and waste issues in our beautiful mountains and in the Southeast.


-Submitted by Ellen Thomas
