“The Little Mermaid” Tryon Little Theater and Tryon Fine Arts Center collaboration

Want to have some fun this summer? Kids aged 12-18 are urged to audition for “The Little Mermaid,” this year’s Tryon Youth Summer Show jointly sponsored by Tryon Little Theater and Tryon Fine Arts Center.  Directed by Chris Tinkler, “The Little Mermaid” is based on the animated 1989 Disney film of the same name and the classic story by Hans Christian Andersen about a mermaid who dreams of the world above the sea.


Auditions will be held at Sunnydale, 334 S. Trade St., Tryon, Sunday, May 1 at 3 p.m. and again on Monday, May 2 at 6 p.m. Anyone aged 19-21 who has been in TLT shows before is also invited to audition. Everyone who auditions will be cast in the show, and there is no cost to the student.


If appearing on stage isn’t your thing, but you’d like to be part of the production—working backstage, helping with costumes, set painting, etc. — you are encouraged either to attend the audition or call Betty Brewer at 828-894-8722 or 828-817-3843.


Performance dates are July 13-17, with a special preview gala evening on Wednesday, July 13. Gala tickets include wine and hors d’oeuvres.


Although sponsored by TLT and TFAC, their first collaboration on a Tryon Youth Summer Show, more sponsors are sought to make this a very special event.  Anyone interested in finding out what a sponsorship includes can contact Lori Walter at 864-978-0432.


Involving youth in summer performances has always been a large part of this area’s rich cultural history. Not only do youngsters learn about all aspects of theater production, they also become part of a great arts community … and they have lots of fun doing it.


-Submitted by Monica Jones



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