Lake Adger residents host brunch and collect donations

Donations ready to go to Outreach

Donations ready to go to Outreach

Lake Adger residents Mike and Jamie Davidson hosted a Valentine’s Day brunch to collect donations for Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. In total, the group collected over 100 pounds of canned goods and other nonperishable food items that will be distributed directly to Polk County residents in need. Outreach’s food pantry serves more than 200 families each month.


Outreach is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has served Polk County residents for 25 years. The organization’s mission is to provide compassionate assistance to Polk County residents who are unable to provide for their basic life needs. For more information on Outreach, please visit or call 828-894-2988.


-Submitted by Wendy Thomas
