Landrum Police Department December report

This report, issued by the Landrum Police Department, covers the month of December, 2015 and was presented at Landrum City Council’s January meeting.


There were 30 citations issued during the month in this category: two citations for disregarding a stop sign, seven for driving with an expired tag, one for operating an uninsured vehicle, two for seatbelt violations, 17 for speeding and one for DUS.


Five citations were given in this category and four arrests were made: one for trespassing after notice, one for open containers, two for drug paraphernalia and one for the simple possession of marijuana; only one of the two paraphernalia citations followed with an arrest.

Criminal investigations

Seven criminal investigations took place: one for burglary and breaking/entering, one for motor vehicle theft, four for petty larceny and one for assault.


Six additional activities occurred, including three accident reports and three funeral escorts.


A total of 38 citations were issued in December. One arrest warrant was issued during the month in addition.


– From staff reports
