Polk County Extension Center offers beginning beekeeping

The Polk County Extension Center will be offering a beginning beekeeping course starting Feb. 11.

The Polk County Extension Center will be offering a beginning beekeeping course starting Feb. 11.

Our native honeybees are in trouble. The number of wild colonies of honeybees has dropped significantly. Consider becoming a hobby beekeeper and help make a difference.

The Polk County Extension Center will be offering a beginning beekeeping course for five consecutive Thursdays starting Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. Your instructor will be Phil Holbert of Holbert Bee Supply in Saluda. He brings over 30 years of hands on experience in beekeeping to the classes.

Each participant with perfect attendance is eligible to win a complete hive of bees. One lucky person will win. Please call Polk County Cooperative Extension today to register 828- 894-8218.


-Submitted by Sarah Gottfried
