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Polk County releases stats from recent highway safety campaign

Just released numbers from law enforcement agencies around the state may reveal that awareness spurred by events such ...

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One step closer

RPO approves resolution to remove 108 plan from STIP TRYON — A push to remove the department of ...

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A sign of hope

Amidst the destruction, devastation, loss and heartache that occurred in the area, this sign of thanks to all ...

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New work from local painters to go on display at the Tryon depot

The public is invited to attend an opening of the Thursday Painters Art Exhibit from 5-7 p.m. Friday, ...

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A giant-size adventure

Tryon Summer Youth Theater program to debut next production on Thursday TRYON — Thanks to the efforts of ...

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Community mourns for high school student killed in crash

The scene of the crash where 17-year-old Markell Lipscomb lost his life on July 6 has turned into ...

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No charges filed in Polk senior’s death

Highway patrol releases more details on Pea Ridge Road wreck MILL SPRING — The North Carolina Highway Patrol ...

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A chance to meet people from across the globe

TIEC seeking volunteers for upcoming equestrian games MILL SPRING — Those who have not purchased tickets for the ...

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Summer Tracks continues Friday with The Aaron Burdett Band

The 19th season of Tryon’s Summer Tracks continues on Friday with The Aaron Burdett Band. All shows begin ...

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Retired educator, consummate volunteer inducted into Second Wind Hall of Fame

Greek Creek’s Janice Fagan was recently inducted into the Second Wind Hall of Fame at the Green Creek ...

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