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Faith & Worship

My Foundation 

       At the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talks about two different types of foundations. One ...


Join Historic Good Shepherd Episcopal Church for a Juneteenth celebration

A celebration that is old and almost forgotten has become new again, and it will be honored in ...


Vacation Bible School set for this month at Tryon Seventh-day Adventist Church

Tryon Seventh-day Adventist Church will be having Vacation Bible School this month. VBS will take place from June ...


Faith & Worship: The great cab ride of salvation

When I was a cab driver in St. Louis, I used to joke that I never knew what ...


Faith & Worship: Take some time to say ‘thanks’ on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just a week away. Our clan will gather at the farm and sit down at the ...


Faith & Worship: Solitary refinement

In her memoir, “At Seventy,” written in 1984, May Sarton recalls a sermon she heard when she was ...


Faith & Worship: The Whirlybird and the Scrawny Grey Squirrel

I was sitting on a kitchen chair looking out the glass door at the bird feeding station. There ...


Faith & Worship: Aim. Fire…Ready?

“Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For ...


Faith & Worship: Life is not easy — but it is better than the alternative

“Save me, O God, for the waters have risen up to my neck. (Psalm 69:1)” Sometimes, bad luck ...


Faith & Worship: A seasonal change is coming

The leaves on the dogwood tree in our backyard are changing their coloration. The green is giving way ...

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